We Can End Hunger

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* When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed
-- Mother Teresa

* A society is judged by the way it cares for its most vulnerable citizens. As an American, I am ashamed that we have turned out backs on millions of our children. I want to do my part to rectify this terrible situation.
-- Marlo Thomas

* I want a different world. One where I don’t wake up thinking I’m so lucky to be able to feed my daughter, and able to give people a clean drink of water. I don’t want images of starving babies at the breast in my mind. I want that to change. And if I want that, I had better do something about it.
-- Emma Thompson

Let's share our abundance and make our country stronger. We can encourage programs that collect and distribute excess prepared food to local organizations that are helping the hungry in our own communities. We can also support programs that supply commodities to food banks. It's all part of committing our country's wealth and resources to end childhood hunger.
-- John Travolta

* just a fraction of what is extended so obscenely on defense budgets would make a real difference in enabling God's children to fill their stomachs, be educated, and be given the chance to lead fulfilled and happy lives.
-- Desmond Tutu

Because there is global insecurity, nations are engaged in a mad arms race, spending billions of dollars wastefully on instruments of destruction, when millions are starving. And yet, just a fraction of what is extended so obscenely on defense budgets would make a real difference in enabling God's children to fill their stomachs, be educated, and be given the chance to lead fulfilled and happy lives.
-- Desmond Tutu


When people were hungry, Jesus didn't say, "Now is that political, or social?" He said, "I feed you." Because the good news to a hungry person is bread.
-- Desmond Tutu

"I've seen miracles in post-war situations, in famines, in places of horrendous brutal subjugation and oppression, when women step forward and play their rightful role in co-equal partnership with men. It's not the answer all by itself, but it is a powerful and incredibly effective step to give women their rightful role and voice and the resources to back it up."
-- Lynne Twist

"The arms race can kill, though the weapons themselves may never be used...by their cost alone, armaments kill the poor by causing them to starve."
-- Vatican statement to the U.N., 1976

In this country that grows more food than any other nation on this earth, it is unthinkable that any child should go hungry.
-- Sela Ward, actress


* There can be no lasting peace, no security, nor can we as human beings begin to touch our full potential, as long as hunger overwhelms the human spirit around this planet.
-- Dennis Weaver

* It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance.
-- Simone Weil

* "Every new mother wonders, 'what will I pass on to my child'? Hunger is one inheritance no mother wants to give her child, yet millions of poor women have for generations. Help the World Food Programme break this cycle. No child should inherit hunger."
-- Rachel Weisz

* There is much to be done, there is much that can be done… one person of integrity can make a difference, a difference of life and death. As long as one dissident is in prison, our freedom will not be true. As long as one child is hungry, our lives will be filled with anguish and shame. What all these victims need above all is to know that they are not alone; that we are not forgetting them, that when their voices are stifled we shall lend them ours, that while their freedom depends on ours, the quality of our freedom depends on theirs.
-- Elie Wiesel

* "In a world that we know can feed itself, upwards of 40,000 children die very day from conditions of malnutrition. Surely we must question why we are allowing this carnage to continue."
-- Betty Williams

* "Hunger does not breed reform; it breeds madness, and all the ugly distempers that make an ordered life impossible."
-- Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States

"As we give of our time, talents and resources to tend the needs of the sick, offer food to the hungry and teach the dependent to stand on their own, we enrich ourselves spiritually beyond our ability to comprehend."
-- Joseph B. Wirthlin (1924-)


* Hunger is the worst form of deprivation of a human being. Although inability to access food is the immediate cause of hunger, the real cause in most of the incidents of hunger is lack of ability to pay for food. If we are looking for ways to end hunger then we should be looking at ways to ensure a reasonable level of income for all
-- Muhammad Yunus

humans are not born to suffer the misery of hunger and poverty. They suffer now as they did in the past because we turn our heads away from this issue.
-- Muhammad Yunus


We Can End Hunger

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Portraits for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.
Thanks to Anukul Gurung for the fairy image of Emily
Thanks to Fletcher Grayson/Gray Media for creating The Emily Fund logo

The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430