We Can End Hunger

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* We must come to terms with our responsibility to be the gatekeepers to end childhood hunger. Our love for life can propel us to share and provide a secure future for the children of our country.
-- Edward James Olmos, actor

* "Mercy Corps' partnership with The Hunger Site translates into lifesaving assistance for people in tremendous need around the world. When you visit, click, and shop at this unique site, you're making the future a little brighter for families who need food in the world's poorest places."
-- Dan O'Neill

The world produces enough food to feed the entire population. It's a travesty that anyone should go hungry anywhere.
-- Donnie Osmond

I went to bed hungry many nights as a child. It was a Dream that dressed me up when I was ragged, and it was a Dream that filled me up when I was hungry. Now it's my Dream to see that no child in this world ever goes hungry, certainly not here in America, the most bountiful country in the world. We can do better...we must!
-- Dolly Parton

We say the United States is a rich country, but how can we be rich when millions of poor American children go to bed hungry?
-- Alexandra Paul, actress

* How unthinkable that, in a country of such bursting plenty, so many people are facing ongoing hunger and poverty. If we are truly each other's keepers, let's support school lunches, food stamps, neighborhood garden projects, and so many other wonderful programs working to put an end to this cruel and needless blight once and for all.
-- Bonnie Raitt

We are already producing enough food to feed the world. We already have technology in place that allows us to produce more than we can find a market for.
-- Jeremy Rifkin

Even one kid going hungry in America is one too many. How can we stand by when the reality is that there are more than 12 million underfed children in the U.S.? We can make a difference.
-- Leann Rimes, singer

"Fairness is an efficiency parameter if we look at the whole global civilization. It is not an efficient way of meeting human needs if one billion people starve while another billion have excess. It would be more efficient to distribute resources so that at least vital needs were met everywhere. Otherwise, for example, if kids are starving somewhere, dad goes out to slash and burn the rain forest to feed them -- and so would I if my kids were dying. And this kind of destruction is everyone's problem, because we live in the same ecosphere."
-- Karl-Henrik Robert

* As long as people and the planet are being exploited, and billions of dollars are being made precisely because laborers and the environment are being abused and used up, there will be children going hungry and ecological destruction.
~ Ocean Robbins

* The freedom of man, I contend, is the freedom to eat."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

* "The peoples of many countries are being taxed to the point of poverty and starvation... to enable governments to engage in a mad race in armaments... This grave menace to the peace of the world is due in no small measure to the uncontrolled activities of the manufacturers and merchants of engines of destruction, and it must be met by the concerted actions of the peoples of all nations."
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

* "With the help of folks like you and me, Heifer International tackles the problem of hunger one family at a time with gifts of renewable resources - farm animals that are ongoing sources of food and income."
-- Susan Sarandon


* Starvation is the characteristic of some people not having enough food to eat. It is not the characteristic of there being not enough food to eat."
-- Amartya Sen

I attempted to see famines as broad "economic" problems (concentrating on how people can buy food, or otherwise get entitled to it), rather than in terms of the grossly undifferentiated picture of aggregate food supply for the economy as a whole.
-- Amartya Sen

No substantial famine has ever occurred in any independent and democratic country with a relatively free press.
-- Amartya Sen

A hungry people listens not to reason, not cares for justice, nor is bent by any prayers.
-- Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

* I believe that, when Americans learn the facts and understand how their involvement can make a difference, banishing childhood hunger will be a national, local and personal priority.
-- Martin Sheen

Childhood hunger in America is as much a paradox as it is a tragedy. Why, in the wealthiest country in the world, should hunger darken the lives and dreams of 12 million children and their families? I believe that, when Americans learn the facts and understand how their involvement can make a difference, banishing childhood hunger will be a national, local and personal priority.
-- Martin Sheen

It's hard to believe that, in the 1970's, America was virtually hunger-free. During the past two decades, we have allowed hunger to attack our most precious resource, our children. We must reinstate and strengthen programs to eliminate this blight on our society.
-- Kurtwood Smith, actor

* We must add our voices to those who cry out that there is a standard below which we will not allow human beings to live, and that that standard is not at the freezing nor starving point....In a democracy all are responsible.
-- Hannah Solomon

* America is an enormous frosted cupcake in the middle of millions of starving people.
-- Gloria Steinem


We Can End Hunger

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Portraits for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.
Thanks to Anukul Gurung for the fairy image of Emily
Thanks to Fletcher Grayson/Gray Media for creating The Emily Fund logo

The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430