Tangiora is a Maori elder from the Rongomaiwahine Tribe on the East Coast of the
North Island of Aotearoa (New Zealand). She is the former president and currently
vice president of Womens International League for Peace & Freedom Aotearoa,
former representative for the World Council for Indigenous Peoples, a member of
the Earth Council and an Earth Charter commissioner, life member of the Maori
Women's Welfare League, and a committee member of Rigoberta Menchu Tum Nobel Laureate
Indigenous Initiative for Peace. Pauline Tangiora has represented Aotearoa at
many international meetings for peace, the environment, spiritual well-being and
indigenous rights. In 2005 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as part
of the 1000 Women for Peace project.
Pauline Tangiora is one of the 50 Council Members of the World Future Council,
an international organization created by Right Livelihood Award founder, Jakob
von Uexkull, which works
for a sustainable future in the fields of environment,, governance, human development
and human rights and peace.