to the Biosophical Institute, Frederick Kettner is the father of the science of
Biosophy -- a new view of life and the role of education in developing the Better
or Peace Nature within us. His teaching and his written works were dedicated to
helping people discover their true selves, and he believed that the future of
humanity depended on our ability to discover, develop and share our true spiritual
believed that world peace could be achieved by establishing the post of a Secretary
of Peace in every government's Cabinet. In 1936 he brought a petition to establish
a Secretary of Peace signed by 41,000 Americans to the First Inter-American Peace
Conference in Buenos Aires. He also advocated the establishment of a Peace University
in the United States to help people develop their true Peace Nature. Today, Congressman
Dennis Kucinich has re-ignited this goal with the introduction of a bill to establish
a Cabinet-level Department of Peace, which would also include a Peace Academy.
This new effort is being supported by a major national and international grassroots
effort that is inspiring hope for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.