Fowler is an American environmentalist who serves as the Executive Director of
the Global Crop Diversity Trust, in Rome, Italy. Previously he had been a Professor
and the Director of Research in the Department of International Environment &
Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, as well as working
in a number of other positions relating to the conservation and use of crop diversity
over his 30 year career. In the 1990's he worked with the United Nations Food
& Agriculture Organization (FAO) to determine the state of the world's plant
genetic resources, and drafted and helped negotiate the FAO's Global Plan of Action
for Plant Genetic Resources, which was adopted by 150 countries in 1996. He has
written several books and over 75 articles about protecting plant diversity. Cary
Fowler received the 1985 Right Livelihood Award (also referred to as the Alternative
Nobel Prize) with colleague Pat Mooney "...for working to save the world's genetic
plant heritage."