It was starting to get late and the peace eagle brought them to their final destination. They soared over Washington DC, and then Liberty pulled up alongside a building.

"I love to come to work this way," Dennis chuckled as he climbed in through the window to his office.

"What can we do to help?" Indira asked when they were all inside.

"Get the word out," Dennis said. "That's something I know you BetterWorld Kids are great at!"

Dennis grabbed some pages from his desk. You'll find plenty of resources like this petition to send to your Congressional Representative on the Peace Alliance Foundation's website."

"We can get all our friends around the country to make copies and get their friends to do the same," Cheyenne said.

"I'm going to try to get my country to form a Peace Department, too," Ahmed said. Everyone felt the same way.

"Hey, what about proclamations from Mayors?" Juan suggested.

"That's a fantastic idea!" Dennis exclaimed. "I'm just so glad our cyberlinks accidentally crossed today!"

After they'd hugged Congressman Kucinich goodbye, the BetterWorld Kids Club meeting was adjourned. The BetterWorld Kids went back to their everyday lives filled with so many ideas about how they could help get out the word about the Department of Peace.



The Peace Department
A BetterWorld Kids Adventure

Story ©2005 Robert Alan Silverstein
Illustrations ©2005 Ginger Nielson

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May Peace Prevail On Earth

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