Dating Pledge Cards

643,080 DISTRIBUTED to all 50 states

Alabama - 4450

Arkansas - 12,150

Connecticut - 11,100

Florida - 35,450

Idaho - 2900

Iowa - 26,100

Louisiana - 4000

Massachusetts - 9700

Mississippi - 18,100

Nebraska - 3800

New Jersey - 21,700

North Carolina - 32,600

Oklahoma - 23,800

Rhode Island - 600

Tennessee - 11,300

Vermont - 1300

West Virginia - 21,900

Alaska - 5400

California - 18,900

DC - 500

Georgia - 8850

Illinois - 6850

Kansas - 5200

Maine - 2700

Michigan - 17,600

Missouri - 14,750

Nevada - 2150

New Mexico - 8500

North Dakota - 8200

Oregon - 12,100

South Carolina - 8300

Texas - 54,725

Virginia - 16,950

Wisconsin - 5900

Arizona - 8300

Colorado - 6800

Delaware - 2400

Hawaii - 3250

Indiana - 23,000

Kentucky - 7000

Maryland - 6600

Minnesota - 21,700

Montana - 800

New Hampshire - 2900

New York - 34,950

Ohio - 20,450

Pennsylvania - 34,480

South Dakota - 8000

Utah - 3800

Washington - 13,475

Wyoming - 7200

From Domestic Violence Advocates:

"You have simplified the way to talk about what is really important - RESPECT in relationships.....thank you."
-- Dee Erlandson, Family Crisis Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin

"This is something that's really needed in our schools."
-- Shermanita Davis, Rape Response, Florence, Alabama

"This is such a great resource! Thanks for making it available!"
-- Jennifer Boblitt-Johnson, Women's Crisis Center, Hebron, Kentucky

"This is an awesome idea. We present at High Schools all the time and this is a great way to help with spreading the message to Stop Dating and Interpersonal Violence."
- Kenya Davis, Alachua County Victim Services & Rape Crisis Center Gainesville, Florida

"…everything we teach in our presentations is listed on the pledge cards."
-- Jessie Brown, Women's Crisis Center, Maysville, Kentucky

"They have been well received here by our counselors and clients. They are beautifully done."
-- Marlene Deal, Walden Sierra, Leonardtown, Maryland

"We participated in the Health Fair at our local college and the pledge cards got the kids' attention."
-- Judy Thomas, YWCA Domestic Violence Program, Evansville, Indiana

"Great idea. The contents of the card convey exactly the manner in which we should all treat each other and is a great base for kids just beginning to experience relationships."
-- Renee Smith Rotondo, Madison County Children's Advocacy Center, Canastota, NY

"Thanks for allowing an avenue for organizations with like mind to bring awareness of this very real issue that seems to be swept under the rug." -- Gailer Baity, SafeHomes, Augusta, Georgia

"This is an amazing project." -- Samantha King, New Hope, Webster, Massachusetts

"Thank you for making this vital resource available."
-- Kurt Mitchell, Texas State University, Organization of Student Social Workers

"Thank you for making these cards available to all of us who work with young people."
-- Georgette Anglum, Citizens Against Domestic & Sexual Abuse, Oak Harbor, Washington

"Maybe if we educate both the male and female population they will not fall in the trap we see so many of our women. Thank you for providing such a neat idea."
-- Barbara Halley, White River Women's Shelter, Newport, Arkansas

"…invaluable tool."
-- Denice Howard, Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Pine Bluff, Arkansas

"Every time I have a table or go do a presentation to teens and college age groups I give these out with my contact information on back."
-- Angela Vendlinski, HAVEN in Lee County, Sanford, North Carolina

"These are GREAT!"
-- Corey Creswell, Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault, Fredericksburg, Virginia

"… they are beautiful. What an incredible way to honor your daughter."
-- Patti-Sue Brown, United Services Domestic Violence Program, Dayville, CT

"They are awesome and needed."
-- Jackie Macholeth, Sunrise of Pasco, Dade City, Florida

"Awesome idea!"
-- Lynn Kari, HOPE Center, Faribault, Minnesota

"Wonderful !!!!!"
-- Raevette Loonan, Southwest Crisis Center, Luverne, Minnesota

"…the reminders needed for our youth to understand that it is not okay to verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse anyone, our partners, families, or community."
-- Suzanne Mazoff, Sexual Assault Support Services, Cobleskill, New York

"The cards are great!!"
-- Deanie Lord-Morey, Violence Intervention Program, Oneonta, NY

From Students & Parents:

"My FCCLA (Family. Career and Community Leaders of America) club would like to pass out your cards as part of our community service project this month."
-- Joy, Kentucky

"I would like to help the cause because i too, was in that dangerous situation and i would like to spread the awareness of this terrible violence. I am 16 years old and i want to make sure that my sisters, my friends and, my family never have to go through what i went through ever! Thank You."
-- Katie, California

"We plan on pledging our senior year to this cause."
-- Jennifer, New York

"…Unfortunately, it is a very real issue but hopefully with things like these that the parents and kids can hand out, we can make it better."
-- Linda, New York

"Great idea."
-- Pam, High School Health Teacher, New Jersey

Over 600,000 FREE Dating Pledge Cards distributed in all 50 states!
Please help distribute these FREE Cards

Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $5 to help me honor my daughter Emily
and help stop violence against women

T is a project of the 501c(3) The Emily Fund / The Emily Silverstein Fund, Inc.