"Wait a second, you guys," Solomon exclaimed. "I think there already is a United Nations Day For a Culture of Peace..."

"You're right, Solomon!" Johnny laughed. "I remember when we went on a tour of the United Nations, we heard about The International Day of Peace. I think it's in the fall..."

"September 21!" Erin shouted. "Exactly! They've had the International Day of Peace for years, but not many people have really even heard about it..."

"What if we get kids all around the world to help make this September 21 the biggest Peace Day ever!" Jamal suggested.

"Let's do it!" everyone declared.


Peace Day, September 21
A BetterWorld Kids Adventure

Story © 1996-2012 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan Silverstein
© 1997, 2005 Ginger Nielson

Visit Ginger Nielson's website at :www.GingerNielson.com

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Visit Ginger Nielson's website at :www.GingerNielson.com

May Peace Prevail On Earth

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- for a Better

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