Season For Nonviolence
January 30-April 4

A Season for Nonviolence is a global grassroots campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the healing and transforming power of nonviolence. This 64-day event began in 1997 for the occasion of the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It has grown into an important educational and media opportunity to bring communities together, empowering them to envision and help create a nonviolent world, one heart and one day at a time.

Throughout the 64-day campaign, events and activities for peace and nonviolence take place all around the world, highlighting existing peacebuilding initiatives and inspiring new year-round activities for a more peaceful, nonviolent, just and sustainable world.


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1. Find out more about Gandhi, King, Chavez and other nonviolence heroes

2. Find out more about nonviolent methods of resolving conflicts

3. Do an act of nonviolence, kindness or compassion daily during the 64 day Season for Nonviolence

4. Support organizations working for nonviolent change

5. Organize or participate in a community-building, awareness raising or volunteer service activity during the Season For Nonviolence

More About
Season For Nonviolence

64 Ways in 64 Days - Daily Committments to Live by
Season For Nonviolence - 64 Daily Practices

Other Nonviolence Links
Alternatives To Violence Project
Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence
Center for Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Peace Force
War Resisters International

Nonviolence Quotes


The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430