Hiroshima Day
August 6

On August 6, 1945 the US dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, and three days later another one on Nagasaki. More than 100,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed instantly and for years afterwards, from horrible burns and radiation sickness.

Fortunately, nuclear weapons have not been used again on civilians, but they continue to remain a constant threat. Thousands of nuclear weapons remain on alert, ready to be fired at a moment's notice. These bombs could go off at any time by accident or at the hands of terrorists.

Recognizing that there are enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet, most nations signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), agreeing to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and to work towards eliminating them. The NPT went into effect in 1970, but the number of nations with nukes has nearly doubled and there is still no timetable to eliminate nuclear weapons. A people's movement has grown to convince governments to rid the world of the nuclear threat. 5 regions, covering most of the Southern hemisphere and more than 250 municipalities around the world have declared themselves as Nuclear Free Zones.

Many are also concerned about the growing use of nuclear energy around the world. After over 30 years of building nuclear power plants, there is still no safe way of disposing the contaminated nuclear materials that are produced. These contaminated wastes endanger our environment and the lives of countless generations to come.

Hiroshima Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the threat of nuclear weapons and the dangers of nuclear energy. It's the perfect time to urge your Mayor to declare your city a Nuclear Free Zone.


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1. Find out more about the no nukes movement

2. Hold an event on Hiroshima Day to raise awareness about the ongoing nuclear threat of nuclear weapons and the dangers of nuclear energy

3. Support organizations working for a nuclear free world


Abolition 2000
Arms Control Association
Atomic Mirror
Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace - Nonproliferation Project
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
International Peace Bureau - Disarmament Project
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Middle Powers Initiative
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Project Ploughshares

TriValley CAREs


UN Department of Disarmament Affairs
NGO Committee on Disarmament
UN Global Issues: Disarmament
UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Disarmament Links
UN Institute for Disarmament Research

Play the "Peace Doves - Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Game" FREE online

No Nukes Quotes


The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430