End Racism Day
March 21

Throughout history, many of the horrible things that people have done to each other have occurred because one group of people felt superior to another. They learned to see differences in others -- such as race, color, gender, age, disability, religious belief or sexual orientation -- as a reason for thinking that people with that characteristic were not worthy of the same rights as they were. This prejudice justified their decision to discriminate against the other group - the other group was humiliated, excluded, restricted or marginalized because of these perceived differences.

When the United Nations was formed to help countries work together to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world, a cornerstone of its Charter declared that all people are entitled to the same human rights and freedom, regardless of their color, sex, language or religion. Our global community has come a long way in helping to eliminate discrimination, but we still have far to go.

End Racism Day, officially known as The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, is a perfect opportunity to help our communities celebrate human unity and the diversity of the human race rather than allow our differences to become an excuse for racial separation. It's a chance to recognize prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination in our society, and how each of us may have our own prejudices and may be making people feel excluded without our even realizing it. It's a chance to reaffirm our commitment to eliminate all forms of discrimination and help create communities and societies where all citizens can live in dignity, equality and peace.


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1. Find out more about hidden prejudices, discrimination and racism

2. Think about ways you might be acting with prejudice and find ways to change your attitudes and behaviors

3. Support organizations working to protect against discrimination

5. Organize or participate in a community-building, awareness raising activity on End Racism Day


Artists Against Racism
World Against Racism Foundation
UN's Dag Hammarskjold Library Links
UN CyberschoolBus Lesson on Racial Discrimination
UN CyberschoolBus Lesson on Ethnic Discrimination
Anti-Racism Information Service
International Movement Against All forms of Discrimination & Racism
Minority Rights Group International
Racism & Human Rights

End Racism Quotes


The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430