The Eco Treasure Hunt
A Better World Kids Adventure
by Robert Alan Silverstein
illustrated by Vineet Siddhartha

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Chapter 5. Eco Treasure

As Ahmed pressed the enter key, the most amazing thing happened. A Rainbow of light seemed to rise out of the ground beneath their feet. It stretched up over their heads and out over the top of the bridge across to the pot of treasure on the other side. They were standing on the rainbow!

Tentatively, the Better World Kids looked out at the rainbow as it hung suspended above the bridge. They held hands as they walked together over the great chasm, and finally they were standing in front of a small pot of golden treasure.

The kids couldn't believe their eyes. The gold shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight, holding their attention. It was a long time before any of them could even look away. Finally Sunanda did though, after a pleasurable sigh of joy. It was then that she noticed a sign next to the treasure.

"Congratulations, Better World Kids," she read. "Look guys!" she gasped.

They read the rest of the sign together. "You did it! This Eco Treasure is yours. I have confidence that you will use it to help make your wish for a better world come true."

There was a contract and a check tacked onto the sign. The check was for $1 billion dollars!

The kids could not believe that this was happening. They knew that with a billion dollars they could really help change the world. They had been dreaming about so many ideas and plans that they'd wanted to pursue. Now they'd be able to do all of them and more.

And that's exactly what they did.

As soon as the weekly Better World Kids meeting was adjourned, the kids went back to their own homes and communities. They told their families about the Eco Treasure they'd found, although they left out the part about finding it IN Cyberspace.

Of course their families thought they were all kidding. But Sunanda's father arranged for all of the families to travel by plane to meet together and discuss the contract that they all had to sign.

The Better World Kids were so excited. Although they magically got together for their Better World Kids meetings each week in cyberspace, somehow, meeting together in real time and space seemed even more magical.

The Better World Kids' families sat with their mouths open, unable to speak at all, as the Better World Kids shared with them all of the ideas they had.

They told their families about all of the amazing things that people were doing across the globe to help make the world a better place and about their idea to unite those efforts to create a global movement that would help to transform the world.

"Think about what the world would be like if striving to create a better world was the common goal that everyone shared," Sunanda said.

"Think about what it would be like if ALL kids and adults learned the skills and tools to work their problems out peacefully," Ahmed added.

"And if people worked not just to make money, but to make the world safer and better for everyone..." Erin declared, "... all the planet's ecoystems, all the people, and the animals and plants…"

"Think about what it would be like if our heroes weren't just sports stars and entertainment celebrities, but those who were working to make the world a better place for everyone…" Maya piped in.

"If we were inspired and encouraged to work together for a better world in the TV shows we watched, and the nightly news reports, and in our video games, and the music on the radio and in movies and magazines and books…" Johnny continued.

"Can you imagine walking in to a bookstore or Video Store with a whole section of exciting choices about working For a Better World…" Ling laughed.

The kids had a million ideas about things they could do. "Let's start now!" everyone agreed. And so they did.


Chapter 6. Is Peace on Earth only a dream?

Sunanda woke up with a start. "Where am I?" she thought for only a moment as she saw that she was lying on her bed. Her laptop was humming quietly beside her and she glanced down at the clock.

"Oh thank goodness I didn't miss our Better World Team meeting," she sighed. "I must have been napping, but I woke up just in time!"

Then she saw the unopened package on the bed and she had the strangest feeling. Suddenly she felt very confused. "Wow, that was a strange dream. It felt so real…"

She found herself automatically typing in the Better World Team web address. Suddenly she was in Cyberspace, and all her friends were there waiting for her.

"What's the matter, Sunanda?" they all asked, because she really didn't seem herself.

"I just had the weirdest dream ..." She told them all about the Eco Treasure Hunt they had all gone on together in her dream, and the wonderful eco treasure they found, and how with all that money, they had taken a giant leap forward in creating a better world.

"That's some dream!" the Better World Kids agreed. "If only it were true."

Sunanda sighed sadly. Then she saw the package in her hand. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about this package that came today. I guess this is what got my imagination running wild," she sighed. "It's probably just a book or a CD from another Better World Team, like that one I got last month..."

"Well, that CD was really inspiring," Ling said. "So, I'd love to hear this one."

"Yeah, there are so many people creating beautiful works that are helping to inspire a better world …" Jamal said.

"But, maybe there really IS a treasure map inside the package," Sunanda teased.

"Wouldn't that be wonderful," Sunanda sighed yet again.

The Better World Kids agreed, but they knew they already had the greatest treasure they could hope for - each other!

"Well, open it already, Sunanda!" the kids urged.

And that's just what she did.


© 2004-2013 Robert Alan Silverstein
Better World Kids Illustrations by Vineet Siddhartha

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